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Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC) Recruitment 2025 – Apply Online for Assistant, UDC, and LDC Posts

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The ICMR Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR RMRC) has officially released a recruitment notification for the year 2025 for various posts including Assistant, Upper Division Clerk (UDC), and Lower Division Clerk (LDC). A total of 06 vacancies are available for qualified candidates. The application process is online and candidates can apply through the official website of ICMR RMRC, rmrc.res.in.

This recruitment presents a golden opportunity for candidates who hold specific qualifications and are looking for government employment in the medical research sector. If you are looking to apply for the ICMR RMRC recruitment, make sure to check the eligibility criteria, application process, and important dates below.

     Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC) Recruitment 2025 Details:

    • Post Date : 27 February 2025 
    • Organization Name: ICMR Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR RMRC)
    • Total Vacancies: 06
    • Application Mode: Online

    Available Positions & Salary :

    1. Assistant 
    •   Group-B ( Two Post ) (UR-2)
    •    Pay Matrix Level: Pay Level 6 of 7th CPC (Rs.35400 – 112400)
    • Post Code - ASST01
    2. Upper Division Clerk
    • Group-C ( Two Post ) (UR-2)
    • Pay Matrix Level: Pay Level 4 of 7th CPC (Rs.25500 - 81100)
    • Post Code - UDC02

    3. Lower Division Clerk
    • Group-C ( Two Post ) (UR-2)
    • Pay Matrix Level: Pay Level 2 of 7th CPC (Rs.19900 - 63200)
    • Post Code - LDC03

    Eligibility Criteria :

    Candidates applying for the above post must meet the following 
    1. Assistant 
    • Minimum 3 years Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a Recognized University/ Institution and 
    • Working Knowledge of Computer (MS Office/ Power Point).
    2. Upper Division Clerk
    •  Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.
    •  Typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on Computer (35 w.p.m in English or 30 w.p.m in Hindi correspond to 10500 KDPH / 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word)
    3. Lower Division Clerk
      • 12th class pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University 
      •  Typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on Computer (35 w.p.m in English or 30 w.p.m in Hindi correspond to 10500 KDPH / 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word)
      4. Age Limit :

      (a)  Assistant 
      • Not exceeding 30 years 
      (b) Upper Division Clerk
      • Not exceeding 27 years i.e. Age must be between 18 and 27 years
      (c) Lower Division Clerk
      •  12th class pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University
      •   Typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on Computer (35 w.p.m in English or 30 w.p.m in Hindi correspond to 10500 KDPH / 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word)

      How to Apply 

      •  Candidates should apply only through online mode. The link will be available soon in the ICMR RMRC SVP website.(https://www.icmr.gov.in and https://www.rmrc.res.in)
      •  Valid email id and mobile number are mandatory for online application process.
      •   Application fee (non–refundable) as mentioned below shall be applicable for applications to appropriate posts:
      •  ICMR employees are not exempted from payment of application fee. 
      •  Application fee is to be paid by candidates through online mode only during the application process. The fee once deposited will neither be refunded under any circumstances, nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
      •  Candidates interested to apply for different posts should submit separate applications for each post and pay the applicable fees separately.
      •   The candidates need to upload scanned copies of the following documents (original) along with their application as applicable:- 
      1. Proof of Date of Birth. 
      2. Proof of Educational Qualifications from Class-X onwards. 
      3. Proof of Work Experience clearly mentioning start dates and end dates for each position held
      4.   No Objection Certificate for Government employees (Annexure-I) 
      5. Proof of Experience for age relaxation for Central Government employees in the prescribed format (Annexure-II)
      6.   Other documents, if any 
      •  All correspondences with the candidates shall be done only through their registered email id. All information regarding examination schedule/admit card etc. shall be provided through email and/or by uploading on Institute’s website.
      •   Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of admit card/any other information shall be of the candidate.
      •  ICMR-RMRCSVP will not be responsible for any loss of email sent, due to invalid/wrong email ID provided by the candidate or for delay/non-receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his/her mail/website in time. 
      •  The candidates will be permitted to appear in the online computer-based test only if they possess a valid photo admit card. 
      • In the event of any false information furnished or suppression of any material in the application coming to notice, at any time during the recruitment process or thereafter, of a person, his/her candidature/services would be liable to be terminated.


       1. The screening examinations for the post of Assistant consisting two tiers (Tier -1: A Computer Based Test of MCQs and Tier-2: Computer Proficiency Test) will be held.

       ● The computer-based test (CBT) will be of MCQ type with a total of 100 questions as given below:

      2. The CBT carries negative marking; 1 mark shall be awarded for each correct answer, and 0.25 marks shall be deducted for every incorrect answer. Questions from the subject matter will be of a level commensurate with the essential qualification.

      • The minimum essential qualifying marks (Pass marks) to be obtained by the candidates in the CBT for the post of Assistant are given below:


      Minimum essential qualifying marks



      • Candidates shortlisted based on their performance in CBT shall be called for Computer Proficiency Test of 20 marks which is qualifying in nature. The minimum essential qualifying marks for test shall be 50% of the total marks prescribed (i.e. 10 marks) for all the candidates.

      Name of the Test

      Skill Set



      Computer Proficiency Test

      Word Processing, Excel Sheet, Generation of Slides etc. The Test will include: 

      1. Typing of a passage and/or other word processing exercises including a typing test in the speed of 45 w.p.m. in English or 40 w.p.m. in Hindi (13500 KDPH and 12000 KDPH respectively). 2. Preparation of Excel Sheet. 

      3. Preparation of Power Point Presentation and related exercises which are required in the normal day to day functioning of an Office.

      20 Marks

      Cumulative time of 60 mins

      • Weightage for ‘Post Qualification Experience’ (Maximum 5 marks) – In addition, up to 5 marks will be accorded to candidates who possess ‘Post Qualification Experience’ in any Government recognized or approved or registered Organization. The weightage marks for experience will be accorded as below:

      Important  Note regarding the post of Assistant: 

      • The CBT and Post Qualification Experience will carry a cumulative weightage of 100% and the Computer Proficiency Test is qualifying in nature.
      • The Candidates based on their performance in CBT shall be called for Computer Proficiency Test in 1:10 ratio (10 candidates for every vacancy in respective category).
      • The Scores of candidates in CBT will be considered for the final merit list only if the candidate qualifies the Computer Proficiency Test.
      • The CBT scores carries a weightage of 95% and up to a maximum of 5 marks will be accorded for Post Qualification Experience. The sum arrived will have a weightage of 100% and shall be the final scores, from which the final merit list will be prepared.


      1. The screening examinations for the post of Upper Division Clerk and Lower Division Clerk consisting two tiers (Tier -1: A Computer Based Test of MCQs and Tier-2: Computer Skill Test) will be held.
      • The computer-based test (CBT) will be of MCQ type with a total of 100 questions as given below:

      2.The CBT carries negative marking; 1 mark shall be awarded for each correct answer, and 0.25 marks shall be deducted for every incorrect answer. Questions from the subject matter will be of a level commensurate with the essential qualification.
      • The minimum essential qualifying marks (Pass marks) to be obtained by the candidates in the CBT for the post of Upper Division Clerk and Lower Division Clerk are as follows


      Minimum essential qualifying marks



      • Computer Skill Test for the post of Upper Division Clerk and Lower Division Clerk will be qualifying in nature as below:

      Name of the Test

      Typing Speed

      Key Depression

      Computer Skill test ( Typing )

      35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi

      (35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m. correspond to 10500 KDPH / 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word

      • Weightage for ‘Post Qualification Experience’ (Maximum 5 marks) – In addition, up to 5 marks will be accorded to candidates who possess ‘Post Qualification Experience’ in any Government recognized or approved or registered Organization. The weightage marks for experience will be accorded as below:

      Imporatnt Note regarding the post of Upper Division Clerk and Lower Division Clerk:

      •  The CBT and Post Qualification Experience will carry a cumulative weightage of 100% and the computer skill test is qualifying in nature. 
      • The Candidates based on their performance in CBT shall be called for Computer Skill Test in 1:10 ratio (10 candidates for every vacancy in respective category) 
      •  The Scores of candidates in CBT will be considered for the final merit list only if the candidate qualifies the computer skill test. 
      • The CBT scores will be converted to 95% and up to a maximum of 5 marks will be accorded for Post Qualification Experience. The sum arrived will have a weightage of 100% and shall be the final scores, from which the final merit list will be prepared.


      CBT syllabus for the post of Assistant, Upper Division Clerk and Lower Division Clerk



      English language

      Comprehension, One word substitution, Synonyms and Antonyms, Spelling error, spotting error in sentences, Grammar - Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Preposition, Conjunction, Use of "A", "AN" and "THE", Idioms and Phrases.

      General Knowledge including Current Affairs

      Indian History, Indian Geography, Indian Economy, Indian Polity & Constitution, Science and Scientific Research, Awards, Sports, National and International Organizations/Institutions including ICMR, Current Affairs - India & World.

      General Intelligence and Reasoning

      Analogies - Symbolic/Number Analogy, Semantic Analogy, Figural Analogy, Similarities and differences, word building, relation concepts, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, Arithmetic number series, Semantic series, Number series. Coding and Decoding-small & Capital Letters/numbers coding, decoding and classification.

      Computer Aptitude

      Characteristics of Computer, Computer Organization including RAM, ROM, File System, Input Devices, Computer Software - Relationship between Hardware and Software, Operating System, MS-Office (exposure of Word, Excel/spread sheet, Power Point), Information Technology Act, Digital Signatures, Application of Information Technology in Government for EGovernance, Mobile/Smartphone's Information Kiosks.

      Quantitative Aptitude (Maths)

      Number System, Decimals, fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportions, Percentage, Average, Profit and Loss, Simple & Compound Interest. Time and work, Time and distance, Mensuration (2D and 3 D), Algebra, Data interpretation, Table & Graphs etc.                                                                                                                                                            

      Important Dates

      • Last Date Apply Online  - Will be Available soon
      • Starting DateAvailable Soon

      Important Links 

      ICMR RMRC Recruitment 2025 FAQ

      1. What is the last date to apply for ICMR RMRC Recruitment 2025?

      The last date to apply for ICMR RMRC Recruitment 2025 will be updated soon on the official website. Make sure to check the website regularly for updates.

      2. How can I apply for the ICMR RMRC Assistant, UDC, LDC posts?

      You can apply online through the official website rmrc.res.in by filling out the application form and submitting it before the last date.

      3. What is the application fee for ICMR RMRC Recruitment 2025?

      The application fee is:

      • Rs. 2,000 for UR/OBC/EWS candidates
      • Rs. 1,600 for SC/ST/Women candidates

      4. What is the age limit for the ICMR RMRC Assistant, UDC, and LDC posts?

      • Minimum age limit: 18 years
      • Maximum age limit for UDC and LDC: 27 years
      • Maximum age limit for Assistant: 30 years
      • Age relaxation is applicable as per government rules.

      5. What are the educational qualifications required for these posts?

      • Assistant: Any Graduate (Any Bachelor's Degree).
      • Upper Division Clerk (UDC) and Lower Division Clerk (LDC): 12th Grade or equivalent.

      6. Is there any relaxation in the age limit for reserved categories?

      Yes, age relaxation is provided for reserved categories as per government rules:

      • SC/ST candidates: 5 years
      • OBC candidates: 3 years
      • Women candidates: As per government norms

      7. Will there be an interview for the ICMR RMRC recruitment?

      Yes, an interview will be conducted for selected candidates after the written test (if applicable). Final selection will be based on the written test and interview performance.

      8. Can I edit my application after submitting it?

      Once submitted, the application cannot be edited. Make sure all details are correct before submitting.

      9. When will the written exam be conducted?

      The dates for the written exam will be announced soon on the official website. Stay updated by checking the website regularly.

      10. Where can I find the official ICMR RMRC Recruitment Notification 2025?

      The official notification can be downloaded from the ICMR RMRC website under the recruitment section.

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